
Ignition Clarity

How will you bring the C-Suite on board? What is your programme going to do to make life easier for each person in this organisation? How can you generate enthusiasm without over-promising on results?  

These are the kinds of questions people face at the start of any transformation. If you’re part-way through the programme and something’s not working, you can face even more daunting questions, such as: how do we regain credibility, co-operation or trust?   

Ignition Clarity
Ignition ClarITy is a consultancy service specialising in communication and engagement for digital and business transformation programmes. At programme inception, we work with you to map the communication landscape that your programme will need to cover. Our analysis will also help you identify pinch-points where your communication will need to be particularly persuasive. We then help you identify believable message content for the programme – everything from branding to briefing. We leave the legacy of a communication and engagement strategy and action plan for you to take forward.
Clarity Blue Light
Digital Transformation programmes regularly meet with obstacles. ClarITy Blue Light is our emergency service used part-way through programmes to re-frame communications and reconnect with disaffected colleagues. We help you analyse the root causes of a problem; select the most effective method to address it; and leave you with a strategy for information distribution and relationship building-and-maintenance.

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